Sunday 29 January 2012

Nellie finds a comfy bed

Do you have any food?

Walter here demonstrating the 'cute but starving' look used to convince us unaware humans that he's been neglected and unloved (double treats for all today after this play worked on me and Tom).

Watch out! Horatio's about.

The lesser spotted Horatio out for a hug.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Raleigh update

Raleigh is doing much better. It appears it is just an abscess and we've managed to get it fully emptied and properly cleaned out (yes it was super yicky). The vet gave us some medicine (Septrin - which is made for humans) so twice a day we get to try and force him to take it. Despite (or possibly because of) it's banana flavour this is a total challenge - a spoonful of sugar does not help the medicine go down (nor does soup, smoothie or ...).

Sunday 8 January 2012

Poorly Raleigh

Raleigh has lumps. He has an abscess on his lower abdomen - we did clean it out but it's pretty big (he didn't have one when we headed off on holiday so it's obviously come up fast - he had one under his left front arm recently that appeared and exploded in a matter of days). Obviously the big concern is it might be as a result of a growth (there is a lump but that could just be damaged tissue). He also seems to have a lump on the base of his tail (hopefully just a spot) so it's a vet trip tomorrow. (We did call the 24hr vet line but since he's not in any discomfort they recommended going tomorrow).
On plus side he's still social with us and the others plus he's not off his food - he just tried to steal a spoon off Tom to get the nom.

Do Rats Like Carrot Soup?

Yes. Yes they do.

Rat Pile!

Nelson - showing he's still cutest
